
Depending on the particular facts and circumstances of your case, you may be entitled to argue that there are ‘Special Reasons’ associated with your particular offence. If upheld, this could allow you to limit the number of penalty points, shorten the length of any ban or even avoid disqualification completely.

The ‘Special Reason’ must however relate specifically to your case, be unique and relate to the offence itself. ‘Special Reasons’ are not a defence to a charge but can be, if deployed carefully and relevantly, mean the difference between you keeping your licence and losing it.

The  Courts apply rigorous examination of any ‘Special Reasons’ argument and so it is vitally important that you seek specialist legal advice a solicitor at the earliest possible stage.

A guide to main driving offences Scotland;

Driving without a valid licence

Careless driving

Driving without insurance

Dangerous Driving

Drink driving offences

Failure to provide driver details


Using a phone while driving